Need some help now?
You may call the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline by dialing 988 anytime 24/7. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free, confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals. You can find other mental health resources here: Please get help if you need it. Thank you.
You have found the place for people who know they need to or want to make changes to be healthier, happier, and more fulfilled. It’s for people who want to lose weight, gain weight, or stop eating disordered behavior. It’s for people who want to stop walking around day after day criticizing themselves and not feeling “good enough.” I’m glad you’re here and I hope you’ll come and read often! ~Anita
What Are You Waiting For?
Do you think that you’ll be happy when you finally lose those 15-20+ pounds? Do you think that when you find the perfect man/woman, that’s when…
Graduation Dance
Graduating from a school, college, or program is supposed to be one of those “happy” events we celebrate, falling in the same category of major life…
How To Make Better Decisions
“We are our choices.” ~Jean Paul Sartre Do you have trouble making decisions? Is it hard for you to choose between options? Or are you great…
Keeping Grandma Healthy
Would You Know What To Do? You get the phone call that your 79-year-old grandmother has just been admitted to the hospital and when you get…
Working With Your “Healthy Rebel”
Have you ever decided you were going to make a change in how you eat or how active you are and you make a plan and…
How To Make Your New Year’s Resolutions Stick!
Not everyone makes New Year’s Resolutions… there are some people who don’t see the new year as a time for reinvention, recharging, reconditioning, reenergizing, reinvigorating, and…
Another Way to Manage Your Anxiety
The most commonly suggested way to manage anxiety is to calm the nervous system by using diaphragmatic breathing. By breathing deeply, you are physically behaving in…
How To Kick A Food Addiction
How do you get over an addiction to food? You’re Not Addicted to Food To be clear, you can’t have an addiction to food. Or if…
The Bobsled Principle
IT’S NOT MY PROBLEM… My favorite image of a team is the 2-person bobsled. (Known fact: I LOVE THE OLYMPICS!!!!) Imagine for a moment that the…
This Stress Is Killing Me!
An interesting study just released this week showed that all other factors being equal, people who believed that stress was having an adverse effect on their health had double…
You Have Reached Your Destination
Many of you will be able to actually hear the GPS system’s voice in your head when you read the words: “You have reached your destination!”…
Should Psychotherapy Sessions Hurt?
“No pain, no gain!” Is psychotherapy supposed to hurt? Is it necessary to wear waterproof mascara to every session? Are you going to be a royal…
Self-Esteem Is YOUR Job
Self-Doubt and Low Self-Esteem Not sure if you’re all that sexy and attractive? Do you constantly need approval from others? Are you never sure that you…
Spinning Plates
So you’ve been trying to eat healthier, lose those last 10 pounds, get an exercise program going, learn how to meditate or golf or parent, and…
The Vow You Really Need
THE SECRET TO A LONG HAPPY RELATIONSHIP I’m going to share with you one of the greatest secrets to a long-lasting, healthy relationship…other than using the…
Coping with Morning Depression
For those who suffer from depression, mornings are often the worst time. Once the day gets started, a person’s mood usually lifts and energy will return….
How Steady Is Your Relationship?
COMFY? How Stable is Your Relationship? Take your typical 4-legged wooden stool. It’s nice and stable…if it’s got all 4 legs. You can probably even manage…
How to Stop Procrastinating: A Three Step Plan
I’m probably the best procrastinator in the world. I could have procrastinated for England… if I got round to it and didn’t keep getting distracted by…
How To Avoid Getting Sick
Who Gets Sick? When Dr. Sheldon Cohen and his team at Carnegie Mellon University studied which participants became sick after having a cold or flu virus squirted in…
Please Don’t Try to Change
Don’t Try! I mean it. Don’t try to change. Not one thing. Not your bad habits, your bad behavior, or your bad attitude. Surprising advice from a…
Decide on the Daily
Everyone is looking for a good “life hack,” something that makes life easier and better. Here is one that definitely does both: it’s what I call…
I Didn’t Put RELAX on my To Do List!
Maybe this isn’t your problem. Maybe your problem is you’re relaxing TOO much and the dishes have been sitting in the sink in the kitchen for…
How to Take Mental Health Meds Safely
Mental Health Medication If you take psychotropic medications, meaning anti-depressants, anti-anxiety medications, mood stabilizers, or anti-psychotic medications, it’s not unusual that at one time or another…
When Should You Freak Out?
Ho, Ho, Ho? It is January 21st today and my Christmas tree is still up. A hectic holiday season that included 2 bouts of the flu,…
An Easier Path to Meal Planning
Are you spending too much going out to eat? Trying to eat healthier, but getting either bored or overwhelmed with the process of meal planning and…
Self-Esteem “Off the Grid”
Love the concept of living off the grid? A home that creates its own energy and water supply, so that there is no need to pay…
Who left your Mood in Charge?
Does This Sound Like You? You set goals for yourself, but if you don’t “feel like it,” you do nothing about them? You have plans for the day,…
Drug Free Pain Management
There are over 100 million Americans who suffer from chronic pain. If you have ever experienced severe pain that lasts over a week, you know the…
Dealing with Bipolar Disorder?
If you’ve been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, then I don’t have to tell you that you are dealing with one of the most challenging mental health…
Stop freaking out!
Finding the balance is what we are all trying to do… whether we are talking about the balance between work and play, taking care of others…
How to Deal With Change
It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory. ~W. Edwards Deming This is a time of year when people often are readying themselves for…
Getting a Jump on Seasonal Depression
If you suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD, then that first cool hint of air untinged by the humidity of summer doesn’t make you feel excited for the…
Take Another Look At Cognitive Therapy
What do you see when you look at this image? Do you see a carved goblet? Or do you see two faces, almost touching their noses?…
Stop Kicking the Turtle! Or How to Let Yourself Grieve
If you’ve ever suffered an important loss in your life…whether it was the loss of a loved one, a beloved pet, or a special dream…then you…
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Copyright @ 2024 Anita Sanz