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You may call the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline by dialing 988 anytime 24/7. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free, confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals. You can find other mental health resources here: Please get help if you need it. Thank you.

What Your Mirror Can’t Show You.

Have you looked in a mirror lately? You were probably looking for something: spinach stuck in your teeth from lunch, a stain on your shirt, another laugh line. “The mirror…

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Dump It On the Table!

I’ve Got Some Emotional Baggage Here… “I’m sorry I’m dumping all of my problems on you.” How many times have I heard this from a client?…

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Decide on the Daily

Everyone is looking for a good “life hack,” something that makes life easier and better. Here is one that definitely does both: it’s what I call…

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Mental Health Hygiene

Cut Your Therapy Bill In Half! Psychotherapists can do so much to improve mental health.  They can provide information, teach you skills you need to learn…

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What’s Your “Baby?”

Babies…cute, cuddly, sweet, adorable.  Right? Well, yes… and no. Now I know some people love taking care of babies and I have incredible respect for anyone…

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How To Avoid Getting Sick

Who Gets Sick? When Dr. Sheldon Cohen and his team at Carnegie Mellon University studied which participants became sick after having a cold or flu virus squirted in…

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Where Are My Happy Pills?

I know there’s no such thing as a “happy 🙂 pill.”  But for some people, there are some medications that come close. The issue of psychotropic…

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Embracing Ambivalence

You know you need to leave him or her. It’s a bad…no…it’s a truly toxic relationship. But you just can’t quit it. You know you need…

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Healing Your Toxic Shame

Many people feel shame and want to know what they can do about that awful black feeling inside, with good reason. Feeling shame is toxic. It…

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Stop freaking out!

Finding the balance is what we are all trying to do… whether we are talking about the balance between work and play, taking care of others…

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The Vow You Really Need

THE SECRET TO A LONG HAPPY RELATIONSHIP I’m going to share with you one of the greatest secrets to a long-lasting, healthy relationship…other than using the…

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Self-Esteem Is YOUR Job

Self-Doubt and Low Self-Esteem Not sure if you’re all that sexy and attractive? Do you constantly need approval from others? Are you never sure that you…

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This Stress Is Killing Me!

An interesting study just released this week showed that all other factors being equal, people who believed that stress was having an adverse effect on their health had double…

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Face It

When I am working with clients in therapy, I often share with them this piece of universal wisdom: The extent to which you are willing to…

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Don’t Say You’re Sorry!

Say you are fighting with your significant other. I know.  It’s not fun, but it happens. What do you think your partner wants the most from…

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It’s Snark Week!

You know them… snarky people. The masters of that combination of sarcastic and cynical that ends up being smugly critical and absolutely unbearable to human beings after…

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You have found the place for people who know that they need to or want to make changes to be healthier, happier, and more fulfilled. It’s for people who want to lose weight, gain weight, or stop eating disordered behavior.  It’s for people who want to stop walking around day after day criticizing themselves and not feeling “good enough.” I’m glad you’re here and I hope you’ll come and read often!


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Anxiety Depression Health Holidays Life Hacks On The Couch Relationships The Big Picture

About Dr. Sanz…

My primary aspiration in life (beyond survival!) has been to try to foster hope, create safe spaces for good work to occur, and improve well-being through co-creating unique and helpful life strategies with others. To that end, I became a licensed psychologist and coach, and have written extensively about mental and emotional wellness.

Becoming the new co-host of the Giving Voice to Depression podcast fits perfectly with my intention of wanting others to know that they are not alone in their experience of struggling in the world. I believe there is so much that we can do to help each other get through… and then get to where we can thrive and enjoy life.

I have worked successfully for over 25 years with clients with a broad range of mental, emotional, and physical health issues and also taught psychology classes at the University level. My own lived experience as a late-diagnosed autistic person with ME/CFS gave me a unique set of challenges that have helped me to appreciate the struggles of others with increased humility, empathy, and compassion.

Because of both my training and my life experience, I am very good at breaking down the overwhelming into manageable pieces and helping my clients learn how to trust their own experience to craft life strategies that work. It brings me the greatest joy to connect with others and be able to help in whatever way I am able.

Giving Voice To Depression
Building Calm Life Coaching
Psychology Today

A Year to Change

What Would YOU Like to Change? This inspiring book helps you figure out where you are right now and where you would like to be. Then it gives you a road map to help you make positive changes, week by week, in all areas of your life: Mind, Body, Heart, Soul, and Spirit. In a year’s time, you can improve your thoughts, behaviors, relationships, self-esteem, and clarify your sense of purpose.

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