Someone I Love Is Being Deployed: How Do I Cope?
This blog post is in honor of all Veterans this Veteran’s Day. My heart goes out to each and every...

Another Way to Manage Your Anxiety
The most commonly suggested way to manage anxiety is to calm the nervous system by using diaphragmatic breathing. By breathing...

Who’s Afraid of the Dentist?
Odontophobia or Dentophobia You know if you have it…a fear of going to the dentist. It’s the smell of the...

No One Likes A Bully!
Imagine you’re given two choices about getting something done: Choice #1: Do it or else bad things are going to...

When You’re Feeling Stuck: First, Don’t Panic…
Do you feel stuck? Nothing’s moving? Can’t get going? Like when you’ve gotten your car or truck stuck in soft...

How to Deal With Change
It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory. ~W. Edwards Deming This is a time of year when...

Stop freaking out!
Finding the balance is what we are all trying to do… whether we are talking about the balance between work...

This Stress Is Killing Me!
An interesting study just released this week showed that all other factors being equal, people who believed that stress was having an...

Yes, You DO Need A Vacation!
Vacation Poor America Of all developed countries in the world, Americans are the worst at taking time off from work. Compared...

When Should You Freak Out?
Ho, Ho, Ho? It is January 21st today and my Christmas tree is still up. A hectic holiday season that...