What Your Mirror Can’t Show You.

Have you looked in a mirror lately? You were probably looking for something: spinach stuck in your teeth from lunch, a stain on your shirt, another laugh line.
“The mirror is the worst judge of true beauty.” ~Sophia Nam
Mirrors and the Fun House
You might be able to see those things. Mirrors do a fair job of reflecting back those physical things. Although your mood and mental health can cause distortions in what you perceive, turning your mirror into a fun house carnival experience where you don’t even recognize yourself anymore.
Mirrors Can’t Do It All
Mirrors might be able to show you (sometimes) what you look like. I thought it would be fun to remind you of what your mirror can never show you.
Mirrors can’t show you how adaptable, adventurous, affable, affectionate, agreeable, ambitious, amiable, amicable, amusing, brave, bright, broad-minded, calm, careful, charming, communicative, compassionate, conscientious, considerate, convivial, courageous, courteous, creative, decisive, determined, diligent, diplomatic, discreet, dynamic, easygoing, emotional, energetic, enthusiastic, exuberant, fair-minded, faithful, forceful, frank, friendly, funny, generous, gentle, good, gregarious, hard-working, helpful, honest, humorous, imaginative, impartial, independent, intelligent, intuitive, inventive, kind, loving, loyal, modest, neat, nice, optimistic, passionate, patient, persistent, pioneering, philosophical, polite, powerful, practical, pro-active, quick-witted, rational, reliable, resourceful, romantic, self-confident, self-disciplined, sensible, sensitive, sincere, sociable, straightforward, sympathetic, thoughtful, tough, understanding, versatile, warmhearted, and witty you are.
(Thanks to The English Club for this amazing list of adjectives to choose from.
Look Harder
Remember this the next time you look in the mirror. What it can’t show you is more important than what it can. Unless, of course, you have a piece of spinach stuck in your teeth!
Dr. Anita Sanz, PhD, Psychologist
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