Do You Know How to Enjoy A Harvest?
Your Miniature Thanksgiving Day Heading
f you stay up with the latest in self-help and coaching, you will notice that many therapists and coaches are great at teaching f you stay up with the latest in self-help and coaching, you will notice that many therapists and coaches are great at teaching you how to plant the seeds that will someday reap a plentiful harvest.
You Sew To Reap
You figure out what is important to you and you get your priorities in life straight. You learn to set goals, break them down into easily doable steps, and then tackle them one at a time at your own pace. You work daily in the hope that one day in the future it is all going to “pay off.” You will be so thankful when it’s done!
After The Harvest
But just as important as all the WORK of self-improvement and healthy, positive life change steps…is what you do after you harvest the fruits of all your labor. Can you spread out your goals accomplished and dreams achieved in front of you on the “Thanksgiving Day” table and dig in? Can you appreciate and enjoy the sense of pride and accomplishment you have earned, letting a “job well done” nurture your soul the way a nutritious meal nurtures your body?
A Miniature Thanksgiving Day
It seems a shame to gather together all you have worked for, hoped for, prayed for… the end result of all those long days/weeks/years of effort… place it all on that beautiful table and then push your plate away, empty.
A Moment to Acknowledge
Denying what you have achieved, moving on to the next “project” without celebrating the end or success of another, deprives you of the last essential step in completing a goal : acknowledging and enjoying what has been accomplished.
Don’t Rush Through Success
Take your time. Savor the moment. When you’ve achieved a goal, stop.
Experience that feeling of happiness and personal pride, success, and gratitude before you go on to the next goal. It is not enough to reap a harvest. You must take time to enjoy it. 🙂
Dr. Anita Sanz, PhD, Psychologist
The thankful receiver bears a plentiful harvest. ~ William Blake
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