The Therapist of Oz
We’re Off to See the Therapist! Clients come to therapy with many different expectations, wants, and needs. Some people want...
Dealing with Bipolar Disorder?
If you’ve been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, then I don’t have to tell you that you are dealing with one...
This Stress Is Killing Me!
An interesting study just released this week showed that all other factors being equal, people who believed that stress was having an...
Yes, You DO Need A Vacation!
Vacation Poor America Of all developed countries in the world, Americans are the worst at taking time off from work. Compared...
Mental Health Symptoms To Not Ignore
There are hundreds of symptoms that can indicate a mental health issue is developing, but it can be difficult to...
Should Psychotherapy Sessions Hurt?
“No pain, no gain!” Is psychotherapy supposed to hurt? Is it necessary to wear waterproof mascara to every session? Are...
Stop Kicking the Turtle! Or How to Let Yourself Grieve
If you’ve ever suffered an important loss in your life…whether it was the loss of a loved one, a beloved...
Poke At Your Depression
What Does Depression Have to Do With Bread? When you’re making bread the old-fashioned way, using yeast, kneading dough, then...
When Should You Freak Out?
Ho, Ho, Ho? It is January 21st today and my Christmas tree is still up. A hectic holiday season that...
Why People Don’t Change Until They Have To
I became a therapist thinking that people just naturally wanted to change, grow, get better, become healthier… and how cool...