Don’t Hit the SNOOZE Button!
The Submarine Expert My husband tells this awesome story: Something’s gone wrong on a nuclear submarine and they call in...
How to Deal With Change
It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory. ~W. Edwards Deming This is a time of year when...
Embracing Ambivalence
You know you need to leave him or her. It’s a bad…no…it’s a truly toxic relationship. But you just can’t...
Today Is A Crappy Day
Have A Crappy Day! One of the good things about positive psychology is that it encourages individuals to view the glass...
Mental Health Hygiene
Cut Your Therapy Bill In Half! Psychotherapists can do so much to improve mental health. They can provide information, teach...
Which Comes First: Depression or Fatigue?
Why are people suffering from depression almost always also very tired? The relationship of depression to fatigue is very complicated,...
“I Don’t See Myself Getting Better”
The Curtain Falls You might have just hit a rough patch. Or maybe those feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt are...
What Psychotherapy CAN’T Do For You
In recent weeks, the American Psychological Association has produced some wonderful material to help the general public understand what psychotherapy is, how it works, and why it is so effective in the treatment of anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and other mental health issues.
Take Another Look At Cognitive Therapy
What do you see when you look at this image? Do you see a carved goblet? Or do you see...
Stop freaking out!
Finding the balance is what we are all trying to do… whether we are talking about the balance between work...