How to Take Mental Health Meds Safely
Mental Health Medication If you take psychotropic medications, meaning anti-depressants, anti-anxiety medications, mood stabilizers, or anti-psychotic medications, it’s not unusual...

How To Kick A Food Addiction
How do you get over an addiction to food? You’re Not Addicted to Food To be clear, you can’t have...

Keeping Grandma Healthy
Would You Know What To Do? You get the phone call that your 79-year-old grandmother has just been admitted to...

How To Help Your Doctor Help You
You and I both know you are not a human Bento box. Trying to “unpack” your health experience by neat...

How To Avoid Getting Sick
Who Gets Sick? When Dr. Sheldon Cohen and his team at Carnegie Mellon University studied which participants became sick after having...

How to Catch More Zzzzz’s
Elusive Sleep Insomnia for many people has become a frustrating fact of life. 30% of the population suffers from it,...

Drug Free Pain Management
There are over 100 million Americans who suffer from chronic pain. If you have ever experienced severe pain that lasts...

Got An “Invisible Illness?”
“You Look Fine To Me!” What is it like to live with an invisible illness? It’s different from living with...

An Easier Path to Meal Planning
Are you spending too much going out to eat? Trying to eat healthier, but getting either bored or overwhelmed with...

Your Best Life Habits
As a psychologist, I’ve given this a lot of thought, because no matter what someone coming into therapy says they...