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Got Critics? Do you have people in your life who are, shall we say, “unsupportive” of you? How about downright...
What Psychotherapy CAN’T Do For You
In recent weeks, the American Psychological Association has produced some wonderful material to help the general public understand what psychotherapy is, how it works, and why it is so effective in the treatment of anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and other mental health issues.
Falling Out of Love Is Not the End
I’m Not IN LOVE Anymore I know you’ve heard this. You might have said it. “I LOVE her, but I’m...
Got An “Invisible Illness?”
“You Look Fine To Me!” What is it like to live with an invisible illness? It’s different from living with...
What Are You Waiting For?
Do you think that you’ll be happy when you finally lose those 15-20+ pounds? Do you think that when you...
Why Is Forgiving So Hard?
You Are Wired to NOT Forget What Hurt You You know you need to do it, you know it would...
Take Another Look At Cognitive Therapy
What do you see when you look at this image? Do you see a carved goblet? Or do you see...
Stop freaking out!
Finding the balance is what we are all trying to do… whether we are talking about the balance between work...
The Therapist of Oz
We’re Off to See the Therapist! Clients come to therapy with many different expectations, wants, and needs. Some people want...
Dealing with Bipolar Disorder?
If you’ve been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, then I don’t have to tell you that you are dealing with one...